Are you having problems with your double-glazed windows? Have you noticed issues like heat loss or mist trapped between the panes? If yes, then it’s time to call the professionals for double-glazing repair services. Double-glazing repairs are common and cost less than complete window replacement. 

However, you must know a few things before hiring professionals to do double-glazing repairs in Worthing. These are some of the questions you should address before contacting a professional for repair services. 

What are the important questions related to double-glazing repairs? 

Can you get blown double glazing repaired?

If your double-glazing windows have been blown out, you can get them repaired without replacing the whole window. For instance, replacement is unnecessary if a single pane has been damaged. It is possible to simply remove the affected or blown piece of glass and replace it with a substitute. Hence, you can quickly fix a blown double-glazing window with the help of a professional. 

Can you repair misted double-glazed windows? 

Cracks in the frame mainly cause mist between the panes. If professionals can identify the cause of the mist, they can fix misted windows. Once the crack has been identified, new seals are applied to prevent mist from forming on the window panes. 

Can you repair the seals on the double-glazed windows? 

Sometimes, the seals between the two glass panes are damaged. A new seal is applied to the area. Suppose the seal is damaged or broken. If the glass pane is affected, the damaged part is removed, and a new sealant is applied. A new seal on the damaged part of the windows will make them functional. 

Repair or replace – which is better for a double-glazed window? 

This usually depends on the age of the window. If the window is old, replacing the panes is a wise decision. On the other hand, repair is a better option for new windows. If a minor change of the seal or replacement of hinges or handles is sufficient, then replacing them is not a good idea. If there are no major mechanical issues with the windows, then repair is an easy option. 

Hire professional experts from Sussex Windows Ltd for double glazing repairs in Worthing. Contact us for proper assistance. We have professional-grade tools for effective repair work.